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10 Ways to Turn Your Bedroom into a Sanctuary for Sleep

It’s an unfortunate reality that almost no one gets enough sleep. If you fall into that camp, there are things you can do to make your sleep space more relaxing. Consider the following ten tips to make your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep.

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1. Set Boundaries

Your bed should be a place for sleep and sleep alone. Well, one other activity should happen there too, but for now, let’s focus on getting more sleep. Try to avoid folding laundry, working on your laptop or even playtime with the kids in bed. This will trick your brain into knowing that as soon as you walk into your room, it’s time to unwind.

2. Embrace Textures on Your Bed

Textures can do wonders for relaxation. A plush comforter, downy pillows, a fuzzy rug and a velvet throw blanket can all help calm your mind and lure you to rest. These soft textures instill a feeling of coziness that is nearly irresistible.

3. Keep it Neat

There is nothing that can agitate a mind quite like clutter. Keep your bedroom neat and tidy so that you don’t drift off to sleep thinking about the pile of clothes on the chair or the books that never made it back onto the shelf.

4. Invest in Furniture

Obviously, you need a bed in your bedroom, but a mattress on the floor of an empty room isn’t exactly genial. Instead, a nice, solid bed frame with an attractive headboard will make your room feel more homey and welcoming. A charming dresser, comfortable chair or elegant armoire can be a nice added touch to make your bedroom an attractive place that welcomes peace.

5. Tone Down the Lights

Opt for low, amber lighting in your bedroom. Stark white, overhead light can be very stimulating which obviously doesn’t encourage calm. Dim lighting will give you that sleep sanctuary feeling you’re looking for.

6. Smell the Relaxation

Candles and aromatherapy are great ways to get all of your senses ready for sleep. Keep your room smelling of lavender or jasmine, both of which have calming effects on the body. As you smell them, you’ll eventually develop a Pavlovian response that will tell you it’s time for bed.

7. Bring Nature Inside

Potted plants have incredible benefits, especially in the bedroom. Not only do plants inspire peace and give a small serotonin boost to those around them, but they clean the air too! A well-kept potted plant is a great decor addition to your sanctuary.

8. Decorate for Calm

Speaking of decorating, consider which color palettes are most pleasing to you. For many, neutral colors, or muted cool colors like blues and greens are most calming. Colors like red and bright yellow can have the opposite effect, so choose your palettes carefully.

9. Dress the Walls

Putting texture on the walls can be incredibly pleasing to the eye. Consider adding plush curtains to your windows, and when choosing wall art, don’t shy away from various textures. Framed photos are nice, but accenting them with a hanging basket or macramé wall art can engage more of your senses while making your space more beautiful.

10. Keep Screens Out

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, do your best to keep your bedroom a screen-free zone. The blue light emitted from our phones and television screens can have a detrimental effect on our circadian rhythm. For sound, healthy sleep, avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime. If possible, keep them out of your slumber sanctuary completely.

Hopefully, these tips encourage you to create a peaceful haven for rest and relaxation. Try them out and see which tips work best for you. Sweet dreams!

Author: Grace Mason

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