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5 Ways to Hurricane-Proof Your Home

Hurricanes produce heavy wind and rain that could damage your home's exterior. As of May 2021, the Climate Prediction Center forecasts a 60% chance of an above-normal season. Here are some tips to keep your house protected. 

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1. Inspect Your Roof 

During a hurricane, heavy winds and rain can put pressure on your roof. If there are any weak spots or cracks, water can leak into your home. This can lead to built-up moisture and mold growth. Also, strong winds could tear off shingles or dent the structure. This leaves it vulnerable to future storms. 

On a nice day, go out and examine your roof. Look for any signs of cracked caulk or broken shingles. You may also want to hire a professional to perform an inspection. 

After a proper evaluation, you can take a few more preventive measures. Consider applying roofing cement to secure loose shingles. Also, add metal hurricane clips to your structure. This will connect your interior walls to the roof. The clips provide extra support and better wind resistance. 

If you're looking to replace your roof, consider a metal one for its durability. Keep in mind your roof shape can even play a role in storm resistance. A home with multiple slopes can better handle stronger winds. 

2. Trim Your Trees and Remove Dead Branches

While having a landscape full of trees is pretty, it can be a safety concern. The strong winds can knock down branches, potentially damaging your exterior. Dead or loose branches are even more susceptible to dropping. Also, heavy rainfall can increase the amount of water in the soil. Root rot is a fungus that forms when there is too much moisture, increasing the risk of trees falling. That’s why it's essential to prune your trees, especially the ones near windows. 

Another potential issue is debris falling from trees that can clog your gutters. This makes it easier for water to build up during a storm, so you should clean out your gutters regularly. Before you begin, make sure you have a sturdy ladder. Then remove the leaves with a small plastic scoop. 

While you're outside, be sure to secure any lawn furniture. Loose furnishing can be carried by the wind and knock into your home, so consider anchoring items down with sandbags or stakes. You could also use bungee cords to tie up lightweight furniture. Also, consider stacking plastic chairs to keep them from blowing away. Planting a thick bush near your furniture can help block the wind. You may even want to upgrade to more durable patio furniture. 

Along with securing furniture, use covers to protect them from heavy rain. If you have room, consider bringing things inside. Also, pick up any toys or sports equipment left in the yard. 

3. Secure Your Windows and Doors

Since strong winds can pick up debris, your windows are often left vulnerable. Consider boarding them up with plywood. For better protection, you can install storm shutters. There are various types available — accordion versions are permanently installed and can be open and shut as needed. 

Also, consider motorized storm shutters, which are easier to operate. Adding window film or high-impact glass are also good solutions. 

Along with your windows, make sure to secure your doors. Don’t forget your garage — consider installing a hurricane brace. Be sure to practice manually opening the door in case you need to evacuate. 

4. Purchase Surge Protectors 

While it's important to secure the exterior of your home, your interior is also at risk since storms can cause power outages. Buy surge protectors to keep your devices safe. Some even come with smart connectivity and energy-monitoring features. Also, unplug your appliances as soon as the lights go out. When the power returns, the electrical system experiences a surge that could damage your devices. 

5. Invest in Flood Insurance 

Heavy rainfall can create unexpected flooding issues. The accumulated water can cause long-term problems, such as mold, which is why it’s vital to check the local flood insurance rates in your area. The average cost of insurance is $700. Other factors like flood risk and type of coverage play a role in pricing, although the long-term savings outweigh the higher expenses. It could cost you around $1,206 to repair water damage. 

Use the National Flood Insurance Program to find a trusted company. It partners with many of the nation's largest insurers to sell and manage policies. Your home insurance agent can help process the application. If you have a larger or more expensive property, look into private flood insurance, which offers higher coverage limits and shorter waiting times.

While having coverage is important, take preventive measures to protect against flooding. Consider raising your home's foundation using stilts or piers. Also, install sump pumps to remove any water from your basement. Make sure you have one with a battery backup in case the power goes out. Also, add coating and sealants to your walls to prevent water from entering your home. 

Here are some more ways to combat water damage:

  • Install check valves on all pipes

  • Raise your electrical outlets and switches

  • Leave some space between the mulch and siding

  • Point your downspouts away from the house 

How to Protect Your Home From a Hurricane

We often try to prepare for storms by staying updated on local weather announcements. However, sometimes hurricanes can cause unexpected issues. Follow these tips to keep your property safe and weather the storms.

Author Bio: Zachary is a technology writer who covers smart home gadgets and is the Features Editor of ReHack.

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