Design Ideas for the Built World

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Does Your City Have the Best Bus Shelter?

While many will discuss how important it is to have adequate public transit in a town, few will ever mention importance of a good bus shelter to promote the use of the public transit. In this article we explore contributing factors that make a bus shelter feel accessible, welcoming and safe to individuals. 

image © Skandum Shelter by Modern Design Site Furnishings


One of the main complaints with bus stops is that they are not always in the most convenient locations. While it can be difficult to suit the needs of everyone, having bus stops outside of supermarkets, doctors offices and similar suppliers will contribute to individuals becoming more inclined to take the bus. 

image © The Employee Shelter by Par-Kut International.

Weather Protection

When designing a shelter it is important to consider incorporating ways to help protect individuals from weather into the design. No one wants to wait for the bus in rain or have to stand and face the wind. 

image © Advertising Dome Shelter by All Purpose Mgf, Inc.

Information Kiosks

In an increasingly digital world, it seems pertinent to have information about when buses are expected to arrive and depart. While many stops offer the schedule in a print version, the lack of accuracy with that version often results in complaints from riders. So either offering a digital screen tracking the bus or a way for individuals to access the information on their smart phone is ideal. 

image © Campion Style Bus Stop by Classic Recreation Systems


This is perhaps one of the most important elements of a bus shelter since often times they become cramped and claustrophobic. This shelter above demonstrates an efficient way to make use of the space by allowing seating for those that may require it and then providing ample standing room for individuals. 

image © Barrel Roof Shelter by Handi-Hut


In addition to making a bus shelter big enough to accommodate regular commuters, it's important to also consider using materials that can withstand vandalism, graffiti and the elements. 

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Skandum Series Product by

Modern Design & Site


Barrel Roof Passenger

Product by Handi-Hut

Mingus Style Bus Stop

Product by Classic

Recreation Systems

Bus Shelter Product by

Par-Kut International, Inc

Sources: Projects for Public Spaces, Business Insider

cover photo © unsplash