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Get Top Price for Your Home by Decorating it to Sell

Getting a good offer for your home will depend on how you presented it to your buyers. You should impress them by walking them through the essential features of your home such as the bedroom, the kitchen, the living and dining areas, the bathroom, and so forth.

However, if you want to make sure to get the right price and get a money-back guarantee—it's best to ask for help or hire an experienced real estate agent. Moreover, when selling your home always put yourself into the shoes of your buyer. By doing so, you will be able to better assist them with their needs and address what they are looking for a certain property. 

Thus, when doing some home repairs or redecoration think about what attracts buyers to purchase it. A home staging expert can suggest what to add or remove from your home to highlight its best assets. 

Let’s take a look at some of the dos and don'ts of home decoration before selling it to make stand out from those already listed on the market.

Replace Busy Wall Art with a Blank Canvas

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If you invite buyers for an open house, always make sure that your home is clean and free from clutter. One of the common mistakes of homeowners is over decorating their walls.

You may be guilty of filling your walls with paintings, decals, pictures, mirrors, among others. You should stop doing this if you plan to sell your house fast because it makes buyers uncomfortable seeing all those busy decors in your wall.

Keep in mind that when it comes to decorations, less is truly more. Keeping a simple, minimal and clean look can keep potential buyers interested and prevent them from moving on to the next seller. So, replace all decor on your wall and repaint it with light colors to make it look like a blank canvas. Consider painting your wall shades of white or light beige to make it more spacious and brighter.

The Benefits of Interior Plant Decoration

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Placing plants inside your home adds a touch of natural beauty and freshness. Most buyers appreciate natural elements like plants, not only because they are aesthetically pleasing, but they also purify the air. They bring more than aesthetic design, indoor plants make you feel relaxed and provide a healthy living environment too.

So if you want to sell your house fast consider adding some interior plant decoration. Below are some known benefits of having a plant inside your home.

Reduced stress

  • Plants help in reducing stress and provide a calming effect. Moreover, statistics show that interior plants and flowers make people more productive and prevent us from getting sick.

Improved air quality

  • Indoor plants are known to purify the air. It can circulate inside your home by absorbing carbon dioxide and emits oxygen back into the air. It also removes chemicals and toxins that are harmful to your health such as formaldehyde, ammonia and carbon monoxide.

Increased well-being

  • Houseplants contribute to the improvement of your physical and mental well-being. Plants make you feel energetic and lessen possible stress and anxiety. Furthermore, caring and tending to plants makes you feel great inside-out.

Quieter background noise

  • According to a study, indoor plants reduce the degree of background noise, both coming from the outside and inside. It has been proven that plants can absorb and filter noise. So having an indoor plant provides a calmer and quieter place to stay.

Aesthetically pleasing

  • Flowers and green plants are visually appealing, they bring life and good scenery indoors. Plus, some plants add color and good ambiance to your home such as succulents, ferns and snake plants which increase the overall aesthetic appeal of your home.

Remove Personal Photos and Mementos

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The moment you decide to sell your house, you should stop considering it as your own. Instead, think about what pleases your potential buyer.

For instance, having your photos and other mementos scattered all over the house creates a negative impression. It makes it hard for buyers to imagine their possible future in your home. So again, try to put yourself in their shoes—would you like to buy a house filled with memories of other people? I bet you wouldn't. Thus, it's always best to remove your photos and other personal items when selling your house.

About the Author: Victor is an acquisitions assistant for Prospect Group company. He has over three years of experience in the company. Victor currently settles California, and loves starting his day with a shot of espresso and cycling through his neighborhood.

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