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The Most Common Space Saving Tips For Small Homes: Tiny Furniture, Self Storage, and More

Many people dream of a home with plenty of space to move around and store their belongings. Unfortunately, because of various factors, people have to settle for smaller houses that are too cramped for everything they could ever need or want.

Sometimes, upgrading to a  larger home seems like the only option, but there are plenty of space-saving tips that can help you make your current small home work better for your needs.

If you are looking for tips on making your small living space feel more spacious, this article should be beneficial! Here, we discuss some common techniques homeowners can use to save space in their tiny homes.

Here are some of the most popular space-saving tips and techniques for small homes:

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Get Tiny Furniture

One way to save a lot of space in your home is by using tiny furniture, such as an apartment-sized kitchen or dining room table that will fit into the tight areas in your house.

This, of course, has many advantages. For one, you'll have more room in your home. That means you'll be free to move around comfortably or to have guests over for dinner without anyone feeling claustrophobic or cramped.  

Moreover, it will be much easier for you to decorate and furnish your home the way you want. Small furniture will also allow you to get creative and to make use of the storage options that previously may not have been considered because of the minimal space in your home.

There are, however, a few drawbacks to using tiny furnishings, and it all comes back to the term "small" being very subjective. After all, what may be small for you could still be too big for your small home.

This means the chairs you purchase might be too uncomfortable if you sit on them for too long. You may also find that a smaller stove may not be ideal when you're cooking for an entire family, while a small couch will not accommodate most of the people you invite over.

Fortunately, these issues are easily resolved with patience and some due diligence. So, if you are planning on purchasing new furniture for your small home, remember to spend a few extra minutes making sure you are getting items appropriately sized compared to your home.

Make Use Of Multipurpose Furniture

Another type of furniture that people usually consider for small homes is multipurpose furniture. This type of item can save a lot of space because it has multiple functions. Some examples of such are sofa beds, chairs with drawers underneath, or coffee tables with storage spaces inside them.

Plus, if you plan to use your small home as an investment for the future and rent it out, having this type of furniture will make it easier for potential tenants. They won't have to worry about where oversized items like couches should go in their space.  

Lastly, since multipurpose furniture is lightweight and can be moved around easily by one person, it is much easier to make changes in the home when necessary.


Clutter is one of the many reasons why we run out of space in our homes.  We collect things that we don't need and never will use, just because we have good memories associated with them, they were on sale, or we think we'll need such items in the future.

Decluttering is one of the easiest ways to get more space back in your home, but it does take some effort to do right.  It is time-consuming and can be a little bit overwhelming, but it is not impossible. 

You just have to make piles of items for ones that you're keeping and one pile for things you don't.  Do this with only function and purpose in mind. Also, make sure that you are not holding to anything redundant or broken beyond repair. You may then go through the pile you're going to get rid of and see if there are any things that you want to keep for sentimental reasons.

You will be surprised at how easy it is to make room for new items when you are not just accumulating things all the time without realising what's happening.

Check this article out for Tips to Energize Your Home in Time for Spring Cleaning and Decluttering!

Rent A Self Storage Unit

Self storage is another great option to make space in your home.  It's cost-effective and convenient when you need a place to store items for an extended period of time. You can also rent the unit on a month-to-month basis, which means you can have stuff stored there temporarily before moving it somewhere else.

Because space in your home is precious, it would be best for you to utilise a storage unit not only for the clutter you want to keep but also for seasonal items, sporting gear, collections, family heirlooms, and unused furniture and clothing, recreational vehicles, and many more.

If you are looking to rent a storage unit, you'll be surprised at how much self storage facilities can offer:

  • Units of different shapes and sizes

  • Option for climate-controlled units

  • 24/7 CCTV coverage

  • Comprehensive security measures

  • Excellent standards for cleanliness and maintenance

Meanwhile, if you are worried about the cost of self storage, you’ll be glad to know that it is dependent on various factors, including unit size, amenities and features availed, and even the facility’s location. 

That means a self storage unit in Ontario would cost differently than units in other North American cities. Similarly, in the UK, self storage in Manchester would cost differently than that in London or Glasgow. 

Take Advantage Of The Vertical Space In Your Home

One of the most popular space-saving tips for small homes is to make use of vertical space. This can be done by stacking your books, storing seasonal clothing in a chest at the foot (or head) of your bed, mounting your TV on the wall, and installing racks and cabinets that are at least six feet high. By using the real estate on your walls and ceiling,  you'll find that you'll be able to use most of your home's square footage for living and working.

There are various ways to maximise the space in a small home, and the tips above are only the tip of the iceberg.  Remember, moving to a larger home is not the only way to increase your living space. The best thing you can do is take stock of what you have, and consider the possibilities! You'll be surprised at how much more space there might just be if you try a few new tricks. 

Just think creatively about your living space, and you'll find that it's not so impossible to make do with what you have! Meanwhile, here are 10 Minimalist Bedroom Design Ideas which you may use in your small home!

Author Bio: This article was written by Michaela Pinga of WhatStorage, a writer who has a degree in digital filmmaking. She also thoroughly enjoys western pop culture.

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