Can Dehumidifiers Help Reduce Bathroom Mold?

Can Dehumidifiers Help Reduce Bathroom Mold?

Many people have been looking for ways to improve their health after the global pandemic. Many are concerned about their living spaces – how do we take proper care of our homes in case we want to rent them in the future? All of these questions have one thing in common – they can be answered with a simple piece of advice suggesting a purchase of a home dehumidifier.

Mold in  Bathroom

Photo by Joey

What Is A Dehumidifier?

Many of us already have many small gadgets at home, but rarely do those include a home dehumidifier. A dehumidifier is a device used to remove excess moisture from the air in your home – it's supposed to maintain the balance via a humidistat, improving your living conditions.

A dehumidifier can also filter your air, but you have to make sure that you get a model that has these filters (such as the HEPA filter or a carbon one). In such situations, dehumidifiers help people with respiratory issues – allergies, bronchitis, common colds... Kids and the elderly especially benefit from these devices, as their health often suffers more.

One more reason to install a dehumidifier is to make sure that there is no mold or mildew in your home. Many people with lots of wooden furniture and musical instruments also benefit from dehumidifiers since these devices prolong the lifetime of the above-mentioned objects.

How To Buy A Good Dehumidifier?

If you're sold on the idea of dehumidifiers, the next question you might encounter is how to get a good one. After all, we all want the best bang for our buck, right? Indeed, a good dehumidifier must have the mentioned:

  • A great tank capacity or a continuous draining system. You don't want to be checking on your dehumidifier all the time to see whether it has been overflown or not. Getting a tank that has a 50-pint volume is a great choice, although it might not be suitable for everyone's budget. Of course, your best bet would be to get a dehumidifier with a pump that continuously drains the gadget. Such a pump needs some additional care when you're doing the installation, so keep that in mind as well.

  • Suitability for your room size. Make sure to measure the room you want to put the dehumidifier in – you must know the area. Also, don't forget to read the specifications of the device. Usually, the volume of the tank won't be enough to know whether the device is suitable for your home, so make sure to look for the area that the device can cover – it is almost always specified.

  • Warranty and customer support. Your worries don't stop when you buy the device. You have to make sure that you can get proper customer support if needed, especially if things go wrong and you need to fix the device. Our advice is to check out the customer reviews.

  • A humidistat. A good dehumidifier must have a humidistat because such an addition helps automate the process of dehumidifying. You don't have to manually navigate through the settings, since the device tracks the moisture and makes sure that it's kept around the given number.

  • Automatic turn on/off function. This is especially useful for those who want to save a buck or two! Make sure that your dehumidifier stops working when your humidistat shows the wanted humidity percentage has been reached, or when your timer sets off.

Can I Use My Dehumidifier In The Bathroom

Yes! Many people think that this is counterintuitive, since bathrooms are already pretty humid, but these are also the first rooms to be worn down after a few years of hot baths and showers. The only thing you have to additionally worry about here is the fact that such dehumidifiers must be of larger capacity since there is more moisture in the air.

How To Reduce Mold?

  1. Dehumidifiers! The only straightforward way to remove mold and mildew is to limit the air moisture. In such cases, you must use a dehumidifier. All other solutions are merely extra advice!

  2. Clean them often. A mistake many people make is buying a dehumidifier and then completely forgetting it exists! Dehumidifiers must be cleaned thoroughly now and then. The general advice given to new dehumidifier owners is to clean them weekly to maintain their ability to dehumidify properly.

  3. Don't leave wet clothes hanging around. Some extra advice right here – many people hang wet clothes in their bathroom, so quit doing that! Dehumidifiers will help with the drying process, but you're essentially making it harder for the device.

  4. Open the windows. Proper air ventilation helps unless you live in a tropical area.


Dehumidifiers can be of great help to those who struggle with keeping their house or apartment mold-free and mildew-free. There are a lot of effective dehumidifiers for bathroom on the market, and it depends on your budget. Make sure that you buy one that fits your needs, and take care of it properly – it will significantly increase the lifetime of your furniture and help with the look of your apartment.

Author: Victoria Smith

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