Eco-Friendly Appliances to Add to Your Sustainable Home

Eco-Friendly Appliances to Add to Your Sustainable Home

In the modern world where life is becoming more and more expensive each day, changing your normal appliances to eco-friendly ones will save you tons of money while giving you a healthier home environment at the same time. Fortunately, switching to eco-friendly appliances, is easier than ever,  as a consequence of the variety of options in the market today.

With all the products available, the process of researching and buying eco-friendly appliances can be overwhelming. To make that easier for you we have listed some of the best products for you based on the research we have conducted. 

Eco-friendly appliance

Photo by PlanetCare

Eco-friendly dishwashers

The dishwasher plays a big role when it comes to the electricity bill. Taking into consideration all the water that is needed to run a load and all the electricity needed to run it, we can easily say that your dishwasher is the first appliance you need to change. Energy star is the best option in this case. Their dishwashers have advanced features such as :

  • Sensors that calculate the required length of washing cycles and the appropriate water temperature to properly clean each load.

Eco-friendly refrigerators

Statistics show that, in many households, the refrigerator is considered the third heaviest consumer of power amongst other appliances. Being one of the few appliances that should be running every day of the year, makes it is important to have an eco-friendly refrigerator.  So when shopping for new refrigeration keep these things in mind:

  • Pick the right size refrigerator based on your needs. An extra large one will use more energy even if it is eco-friendly.

  • Refrigerators with automatic ice makers use proximately 20% more electricity than others without them. So keep using the good old-fashioned ice cube trays.

Reverse osmosis system

When it comes to drinking water, the reverse osmosis system is a lifesaver. This system will save you money but at the same time is easy and very practical for your everyday life.  Don't worry about them keeping space in your kitchen or ruining your kitchen design because they remain completely out of your sight and tucked away under your kitchen sink. The reverse osmosis system is the most advanced form of water filtration.

  • A reverse osmosis system is the most effective method for removing contaminants such as lead, fluoride,  chlorine, copper, sodium, chromium, sulfate, and a lot of others.

  • They are so easy to maintain. The only thing that needs to be done for their maintenance is replacing filters and cleaning. And even that is only done approximately once a year.

  • And, what makes it all worth it is the taste of reverse osmosis water. That's why all bottled water companies use the same process.

Eco-friendly dryers

Eco-friendly dryers can significantly reduce energy bills in a household. They also have a huge impact on the environment. Research has shown that a typical clothes dryer consumes 946-kilowatt hours per year. Although there haven't been found any clothes dryers with the Energy Star label, there are other options. You can switch from an electric dryer to a natural gas dryer which is the most eco-friendly dryer available on the market today.

If you want to go the extra mile on saving electricity, you can try using a clothesline on a nice summer day or a clothes drying rack for the indoors.

Eco-friendly Insulation

Insulation is an important part of any home. Not only does it retain heat during the winter by restricting air flow, but it also reduces the cost of heating and cooling throughout the year. For more than a century, most new homes were built with fiberglass insulation, but this can cause many health issues. If you are building a new house or remodeling in the near future, try green home insulation alternatives to make your home safe and healthy.

What this article reveals is that changing your normal appliances to eco-friendly ones is something everyone should do in order to save money on their bills. But also the most important benefit of eco-friendly appliances is that they are better for the environment. Upgrading your appliances can reduce your carbon footprint and contribution to climate change. So do yourself and the earth a benefit and start searching for other appliances for your house today.

Author: Olivia Simmons

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