How to Keep Pests Out of Your Home

How to Keep Pests Out of Your Home

As the leaves change color and the temperature drops, pests will look for a warm place to call home—and your house may be at the top of their list. No one wants to share their living space with rodents, insects, or other critters, but it can be challenging to keep them out. 

Here are a few ways to keep pests out of your home this fall so you can enjoy the season worry-free.

Pests Control

Photo by Lindsay

What Pests Might Come Inside Your Home?

There are a number of common pests that can invade a home, causing damage and posing a health risk to occupants.

Among the most common are rodents, such as mice and rats. These pests can gnaw through electrical wiring, insulation, and wood, leading to fires and other damage. They can also contaminate food and spread disease. 

Cockroaches are another common pest, and like rodents, they can cause fires by gnawing on electrical wiring. They can also trigger asthma attacks in people with allergies or sensitivities. 

Other common pests include ants, spiders, bees, wasps, and termites. While not all of these pests pose a health risk, they can all be nuisance creatures that damage property and cause discomfort.

10 Ways to Keep Pests Out of Your Home

There's nothing worse than pests invading your home in the summer. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can also pose a severe health risk to you and your family. Luckily, you can do a few things to keep them at bay. Here are a few helpful ways to keep pests out of your home: 

1. Inspect for Cracks, Gaps, and Other Openings 

Pests can squeeze through surprisingly small spaces, so it's essential to seal up any cracks in your foundation, windows, and doors. Check caulk around windows and doors for cracks and gaps, and use weatherstripping to seal any drafts coming into your home. Repairing cracks in your foundation is a more involved, but it's essential if you want to keep pests out.

Another bonus of checking for cracks and gaps - and sealing them up promptly? You’ll likely find your home becomes much more energy-efficient as well.

2. Keep Food and Garbage Sealed and Cleaned Up

One of the easiest ways to attract pests is to leave food and garbage out in the open. If you want to keep pests away, make sure to seal up all food in airtight containers and take the garbage out on a regular basis. Additionally, it's a good idea to sweep up any crumbs or spills as soon as they happen so that pests don't have a chance to feast on them.

3. Repair Torn Screens 

Another way that pests can enter homes is through torn screens on doors or windows. If you have any screens that are ripped or torn, make sure to repair or replace them as soon as possible so that bugs and other pests can't get inside. 

4. Nix the Clutter 

Pests love nothing more than a cluttered home because it provides them with plenty of places to hide from the light and predators. If you want to keep your home pest-free, do yourself a favor and eliminate any clutter that's taking up space. 

5. Install a Screen Door

If you don't already have one, consider installing a screen door at your home's main entrance. Screen doors provide extra protection against bugs and other unwanted visitors. Keep it shut when you're not using it so that pests can't find their way inside. 

6. Keep the Gutters Clean

Clogged gutters provide the perfect breeding ground for pests like mosquitoes and rodents. Make sure to clean your gutters regularly, so they don't get overloaded with leaves and debris. You may also consider investing in gutter guards to make cleaning more accessible.

7. Tidy Up the Yard

A well-kept yard is less inviting for pests looking for a place to nest or hide. Remove any piles of wood or debris where rodents could build a nest, and trim back bushes and trees, so they don't touch your house (pests love using branches as a bridge into your home). Keeping your lawn mowed also helps deter pests since they don't like being out in the open, where they're more visible to predators. 

While you’re at it, get rid of any standing water.  Standing water is one of the biggest attractants for mosquitoes, which means it's also one of the most significant risk factors for contracting diseases like West Nile Virus or Zika Virus.

To reduce this risk, get rid of any standing water around your property by either emptying it out or using products like mosquito dunks which safely eliminate larvae without harming people or pets.

8. Fix Leaks

Leaks from plumbing fixtures or appliances are a huge attractant for pests because they're looking for sources of water. If you have any leaks, make sure to fix them as soon as possible so that pests don't start moving in.

9. Inspect Secondhand Items

Whether you're buying furniture from a yard sale or bringing boxes up from the basement, take the time to inspect them for insects or rodents before bringing them into your home.. 

10. Use a Pest Control Service

Pest control services are a great way to keep pests out of your home all year long. A trained professional will be able to identify potential pest problems in your home and take steps to prevent them before they start. They'll also be able to treat any existing problems you may have.

Final Thoughts

Pests looking for a warm place to spend the winter can be a big problem, but there are some easy things you can do to deter them. By following these tips—keeping your home clean and free of food debris, storing food properly, fixing leaks, and sealing cracks and holes—you can help ensure that your home remains pest-free all season long!

Author Bio: Amber Bushman has been in the pest control industry for 18 years now...13 of them have been with Reliant Pest Management. She is a licensed certified commercial applicator in the state of Texas. Amber’s background is mostly in office management and administration, but she enjoys going out in the field from time to time and serving customers by protecting their homes. Amber loves people and bugs and pest management has them both!

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