How to Make Your Bedroom More Spacious

How to Make Your Bedroom More Spacious

Everyone loves a spacious bedroom, but not all of us have that privilege. With living spaces becoming more expensive than ever before, you cannot always think about physically expanding your bedroom. Instead, we need to take a different approach to make your bedroom more spacious. You may think it is an impossible task, but it is not. Even if you have a small bedroom, you can make it look and function like a bigger bedroom. As you can guess, there is no universal method to make your bedroom more spacious. Therefore, you should not expect any specific steps in this guide. Instead, we have recommended a few methods that people have found helpful for making their bedroom more spacious. We will start with the basic tips and move to more advanced options over time.

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1. Analyze Your Bedroom

As we said earlier, you cannot find a universal method to make your bedroom more spacious. For instance, it is impossible to use the same techniques to create more space in two different bedrooms even if they are of equal dimensions. Instead, you have to consider many other factors, such as the type of furniture you want and the colors you like on the wall. You must also think about how much change you can make to the core design. 

For instance, you may not have many options if you are renting out space. On the other hand, if you, fortunately, own the house, you can use various methods to expand usable space. It is okay if you cannot find the best ways to make your bedroom space look bigger. You should feel free to seek professional help, and experienced builders and stylists can help you here. A better analysis of your bedroom will also help you find the correct design/elements.

2. Using Up Vertical Space

When most people say a bedroom is small, they talk about the floor space. However, a comparatively lower floor space does not mean you have less space. It happens because you are thinking only horizontally. You can get the most out of your bedroom space if you start thinking about the vertical space if you ask us. By placing the right elements in the right places, using up vertical space can make your bedroom more room. And you can choose between a bunch of options.

Storage is an aspect that most people consider when it comes to bedroom space, right? You can add more storage using the vertical space by installing shelves and other systems. In addition to giving you space where you can keep books, flowers, and flowers, these elements will make your bedroom look more spacious.  Of course, this option will depend on the type of wall you have. If you cannot make significant changes to the wall, you may look for alternative options.

3. Going Minimal

You may not think of this at first but going minimal is a great way to make your bedroom more spacious. If you think about it, a minimal bedroom design will leave more whitespace in the room, making you feel like there is more space. The best part is that you can choose between an incredible variety of minimalist bedroom design ideas out there. You can choose one that suits the dimensions and style of your bedroom. On the bright side, you do not have to spend a lot on a minimal bedroom design, either.

As we said earlier, you have more options in the minimal design space. For instance, based on whether you are into paintings and wall accessories, you can place them in your bedroom. You also have options to choose the correct accessories for the design. For instance, a combination of navy blue, white, and gray is a usual design combination in the minimalist space. Because these are popular colors, you will not have trouble with accessory hunting, either.

4. Choose the Right Mattress

It goes without saying that the mattress will be responsible for taking up most of the space in the bedroom. Therefore, you will have to choose the right mattress if you want to make your room more space. Of course, everyone is interested in using the best mattress in their bedroom. After all, the mattress must offer you the most comfortable sleeping space, right? First, however, you should explore the different design options from the market.

For instance, if you do not mind some effort in the morning and at bedtime, you can consider getting a convertible mattress. These mattresses are great in that you can keep them folded. It will ensure that you will have more space to work during the day. If you live in a studio apartment, this bedroom design will be pretty beneficial. However, if you want to stick to traditional mattress designs, you should be aware of its dimensions and weight.

5. Plant Placement Matters

At first, you may think you can remove all the plants to make more space in the bedroom. As it happens, though, it does not work that way. First, of course, you should know which plants are best for your bedroom in the first place. You should not think twice if a plant does not go in sync with the existing bedroom design. But, correctly placing the right plants in your bedroom can make the room look more spacious without much effort.

There are two aspects to this task. First, you should select a suitable type of plant and vase. Succulents may be the first option in your mind, but you can continually expand the possibilities. Second, you should care about the space where you put these plants. The plant must go in sync with the overall design of the room. Otherwise, you may create a design that forces the plant to pop out, designating the lack of space over time. Sure, you can always try to be diverse.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, these steps will make sure that you get the maximum from your bedroom designs. Following these steps does not mean that you have to compromise your choice of items. Instead, it means you have to make some selective choices. 

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