How to Plan a Successful Renovation Project

How to Plan a Successful Renovation Project

It’s the start of a new decade and what better way to welcome it then by starting that renovation project you’ve been putting off for years? 

We understand that it’s probably a daunting task, especially if you’re a new homeowner. But, there’s a secret to making every renovation project a success. The answer can be summed up into two words: careful planning. Here are some tips on how to plan a successful renovation project.

Your Goal

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The first thing that you need to do is to set your goal. Which room are you going to work on? What aesthetic do you have in mind? What are your priorities? What are your non-negotiables? 

Your goal should, of course, be realistic, but you should also not cut corners. If you have no restrictions, what’s your dream outcome? If you plan with this end in mind, then you’ll surely end with a result closer to it rather than farther from it.

The Details

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With the end result in mind, you can then start planning the other details of your renovation project, like your budget and schedule. When it comes to setting your budget, we advise you to start with your non-negotiables first. How much are they going to cost? Are there other aspects that you can sacrifice in order to make this happen? Don’t forget to add a contingency budget on top of your working budget as well. This way, your working budget won’t be sacrificed in case of emergencies. 

The second detail that you should consider is your schedule. When is the most ideal time to start the project? How long is this project going to take? We recommend doing so during long weekends or week-long holidays. This way, your family’s schedules won’t get disrupted.

Interior Accessories

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Now that we have the foundations laid out, it’s time to decide on the details. We usually start by working out the aesthetic and design of the space. This gives us a solid reference on what kind of home accessories to get.

Carpets and Rugs

Speaking of accessories, one of the first things you should consider is what carpets and rugs to use. The floor is a commonly neglected area during renovations but it’s actually the element that ties the entire room together. Try choosing pieces that match your chosen color palette.

Other Decor

Of course, there are other decorative pieces to consider other than carpets and rugs. Curtains, blankets, and throw pillows, for instance, all play an important role in keeping a look together. So, try and keep these in colours that compliment each other.

Bigger Decor Pieces

Once you have determined the aesthetic details, it’s time to consider bigger-ticket items like furniture and storage. Can’t see anything you want in shops both online and offline? Then have them custom-built instead!

Pack Up

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Another thing to consider is how much disruption to your daily routine would this renovation project bring. If you believe that the current project will disrupt your family’s schedule, then you might want to move your family for the moment. This is also the reason why we have suggested to time your project according to your holidays.


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Now that all the details and necessary arrangements have been planned out, we can finally move on to the required paperwork. Are there necessary permits that you need to secure? For instance, did you know that installing a simple basketball hoop in your backyard already requires you to call 811 before digging? This will prevent you from unintentionally damaging buried utility lines. Be sure to be prepared before tackling a major renovation.

Other Factors

Finally, you need to consider other factors as well, like the following:

  • Kids. You might want to turn your renovation project into a fun bonding activity for the whole family. However, it can be very dangerous for young kids to be exposed to power tools, sharp objects, and air contaminants.

  • Pets. The same goes for your furry friends as well.

  • Cleanup. You also need to include the cleanup after your project has been completed.

  • Weather. And don’t forget to keep track of the weather. There are projects (like outdoor cement pouring) that can’t be done when it’s pouring outside.


In the end, you only need to consider three things when you’re making plans for a home renovation project:

  • Your Goal. The look and utility that you’re aiming for.

  • The Accessories. The little details that will show your personality through your space.

  • The Work. And all the work-related aspects involved (budget, schedule, permits, task delegation, etc.)

By incorporating these three factors into your planning sessions, we’re confident that your project will be successful.

Author Bio: Leila Amber is a Design Trend Setter at Knothome and a passionate writer, home decor and design enthusiast. She has a keen interest in the content that inspires her to dig deeper into the practice and create helpful design and decor guides.

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