Innovative Technologies Reshaping Water-Efficient Home Design

Innovative Technologies Reshaping Water-Efficient Home Design

The focus on water-efficient home design intensifies as the world grapples with the evolving threat of climate change and resource scarcity. Emerging technologies are at the forefront of enhancing water conservation through architectural design. Homeowners and residents also play a role in these initiatives by maximizing available supply and reducing wastage.

Integrating smart innovations into new construction and retrofitting old buildings is the key to addressing the age-old problem of dwindling freshwater resources amid a rapidly growing global population.

Photo by Expect Best

How Much Water Do Households Use?

The EPA estimates the average family uses over 300 gallons of water daily, 70% of which occurs indoors.

This rate is increasingly unsustainable, as only around 13% of the total freshwater supply is allocated to public supply and self-supplied domestic usage. Thermoelectric energy generation and agriculture account for the largest withdrawals and will likely continue to do so as urbanization increases.

The residential construction sector must address these challenges by implementing home water efficiency at the design level. These features will help ensure reliable supply today and for future generations.

Innovations Driving Water-Efficient Home Design

Water conservation in 2024 will be marked by the convergence of automation and sustainability. These innovations aim to reduce waste and promote efficient home use.

Water-Saving Appliances and Fixtures

Household appliances that involve water — washing machines, dishwashers, faucets and toilets — have come a long way in terms of efficiency. For example, replacing older, inefficient showerheads with WaterSense-labeled alternatives can save the average household 2,700 gallons of water yearly.

Installing these water-efficient fixtures and accessories during the construction phase means residents can enjoy these benefits from the moment they move in. The best part is they’ll save water and utility costs without changing their daily habits. This is not to discourage responsible usage, as minimizing waste will further decrease overall bills.

Tankless On-Demand Heaters

Home water efficiency includes the amount of energy used to make it suitable for household use.  On-demand heating systems are essential to this goal because they negate the need to waste water while waiting for it to get hot.

Moreover, traditional tank systems continually heat stored water even when no one is home, ramping up electricity consumption. As a result, installing tankless heaters also provides energy savings.

Water Booster Pumps

Water availability for home use continues to decline, even in areas where the resource used to be abundant. For example, California had a history of extreme floods up to 1955 but is now a drought-prone region. In 2022, the government imposed restrictions to further reduce residential water use by 20%-30% across the state.

Installing booster pumps for houses in these areas is vital for maximizing the limited supply and reducing waste. These devices push water through pipes faster, increasing pressure and flow throughout the home. However, there’s a limit to the rate at which the pressure can be increased. Generally, homeowners should avoid raising it above 60 PSI to protect their plumbing system from damage.

Smart Rainwater Harvesting Systems

AI-powered harvesting barrels can revolutionize landscape irrigation and greatly reduce household water waste.

The “smart” aspect entails integrating low-cost sensors and innovative communication technologies that enable automated activities based on predefined parameters. For example, these systems can actively monitor weather conditions and discharge stored water in anticipation of predicted rainfall over a given period. This increases the barrels' storage capacity and prevents standing water.

When paired with an advanced irrigation system controller and accessories, smart rainwater harvesting can become the main outdoor highlight of a modern building. For instance, the HRC 990 features a moisture sensor module and solar power, which can complement the system's automation features while improving sustainability.

Greywater Recycling Systems

Bathroom and kitchen sinks are the most common greywater sources within the home. While unsuitable for drinking, this wastewater can be reused for flushing toilets and watering gardens.

For new housing projects, installing a greywater recycling system can be as simple as running a pipe from under the kitchen drain through an exterior wall to the toilet reservoir tank.

Minimum Water Efficiency

The U.S. Green Building Council has set minimum requirements for water-efficient home design as part of its framework for integrating innovative technologies for sustainable living. For example, the flow rate of kitchen faucets must not exceed 1.8 gallons per minute, as mandated by WaterSense guidelines.

These standards can serve as a waypoint for the construction industry when planning residential projects. The next step is determining how to incorporate machine learning for smart water management.

Just as advanced algorithms can learn residents’ daily habits and optimize electricity usage, newer systems should be able to automatically regulate water usage to boost efficiency. AI can also be vital in leak detection within residential plumbing systems. Finding cracks early prevents increased damage and enhances conservation. This application will also be helpful in cities with aging water infrastructure, where widespread leaks are more likely to occur.

Design a Water-Efficient Home

Integrating innovative solutions in residential construction is reshaping the concept of sustainable freshwater management. Technology makes homes more efficient and environmentally friendly, from rainwater harvesting systems and water-saving appliances to booster pumps and tankless heaters. As these smart systems evolve, the future of household design promises even more significant advancements.

Author: Emily Newton

CADdetails Standard Asset Library

Cover image by Expect Best on Pexels

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