Is Our Infrastructure Secure from Cyber Attacks?

Is Our Infrastructure Secure from Cyber Attacks?

When discussing cyber attacks most people think of individuals sitting behind a computer trying to gain access to emails, company credit card information, or employee profiles. While this is definitely the target for some hackers, more recently individuals aren't looking to just gain information. They also want to disrupt the organization by holding them for ransom.  

It's easy to think that your organization would never be a victim to a cyber attack. Especially if you've taken all of the security precautions and have password protection on all of your technology. Well, even if you think your organization wouldn't be victim to an attack, you may want to think again. No network is 100% secure and the more technology you introduce to your construction zone, the more risk you have for interference.  You may not be conscious of all the technology you have around you. Like the crane that transmits data back to the manufacturer or supplier so that it can be monitored for performance or the ipad that is in the corner with the blueprints ready when they need to be revisited. 

While added technology at the workplace seems harmless, they lead to possibility of attacks. It's why it's important to consider the technology surrounding the construction site. For example, if open WiFi is available, it should be password protected to prevent someone from gaining access. If you examine the chart above, you can see how hackers were able to gain access to infrastructure companies. 

Since cities are becoming 'smarter' the threat of cyber attacks become more prevalent. While we may want technology to make all our infrastructure more efficient and easier to maintain, it ultimately becomes more vulnerable to cyber attacks. So even though it may be beneficial to have a city that uses sensors to dim lights, and technology that helps maintain traffic, another person sees a game that can be played to see how they can affect the lighting and traffic. 

If you're afraid of falling victim to cyber attacks, you can take some preventative measures to lessen the likelihood of being attacked. While you're not able to be 100% secure from cyber attacks, being aware of how your company could be at risk is the most important element in prevention. Consider closing any open access to your networks, implementing protection of your computers by employees having required passwords, and a hard drive that is secure.

If you're looking for ways to make your building more secure, search 'security' on to find products that will enhance the security of your building.

Sources: Ice, Invest Adelaide | cover photo © unsplash

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