Should You Design an Energy Saving Building?
With the rise of concern in environmental issues like climate change and global warming, companies have increased their expectancy in environmental initiatives taken by architects. Likewise, multiple architects have begun to design buildings that incorporate eco-friendly and greener spaces. In this article we explore the benefits of building an energy saving building for not only the environment but for the community.
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In the past developers were more concerned with the return on investment of a building than the environmental impact it made. This has recently changed however, and now one of the first questions asked involves the sustainability plan for the building.
image © Warateens
Developers want to see that the energy saving measures are not only in the plan but also are installed and operating properly. In some cases, the developers will even pay to have an energy audit because it can give tenants or owners a better rate.
image © Wil Emling
Some of the most popular environmental initiatives an architect can make include insulating outer walls, implementing green roofs, installing more energy efficient windows and lighting, and ultimately obtaining the LEED certification or passing the living building challenge.
image © Outdoor Living Wall System by Live Wall
While not all environmental initiatives need to be made, they should at the very least be considered. If not for the reason of helping the environment then for the incentive of making the building cheaper and more desirable by others.
Interested in designing a green building? Search the '3D Model Gallery' on to download models you can use in your planning.
Source: New York Post. Cover photo © Wil Emling