What are the benefits of investing in sustainable technology?

What are the benefits of investing in sustainable technology?

From smartphones to electric cars, it’s likely that we’ve all come into contact with some form of smart technology recently. In the past 20 years, it’s burst into our lives, both from a personal and a business perspective, meaning that it’s hard to avoid. As a result, almost everyone working needs to get to grips with understanding this technology, with those who don’t struggle to keep up and access the same services as the rest of the world.

But what are the benefits of investing in sustainable technology? Is there still more potential to explore? We take a look.

Supporting a green future

Climate change is a crisis that we can no longer ignore, even if you’re not actively reading about it in the media. As a result, consumers are demanding more sustainable options, as well as voting with their wallets and supporting brands that operate sustainable business practices. Investing in sustainable technology is a sure way to support a greener future, and inspire others to do the same.

Making sustainable choices is also the right thing to do for any responsible business or individual. We all have a responsibility to look after the environment around us. Our modern lives also require a change so that we can balance our instant gratification culture with the effects of carbon emissions on the planet. Even small steps like installing sensor-lighting, green plumbing, and smart heating are accessible options that can make a noticeable difference, no matter how small or large your office or home is. 

Sustainable architecture

Photo by Jw

Innovation and forward thinking

Technology is constantly expanding to meet needs and solve problems. For example, at first, electric cars were an unusual option that only a small percentage of drivers took up. Now, as governments worldwide are pushing towards net zero emissions in a frantic effort to save the environment, more and more drivers are looking to make the switch. 

New sustainable technology is a crucial part of this, and companies are continuing to be innovative so that products are desirable to consumers. Jumping ahead of the curve and shelling out for sustainable technology now could mean that you already have the infrastructure in place to personally support going net zero, well before it becomes mandatory.

There is also still plenty of scope for improvement and innovation across a range of existing sustainable technologies like solar panels, eco-homes, and hydrogen-powered vehicles. Buying this technology now means that you’ll already know what you like, so when new products are released to the market, you can pick those with the features you’re looking for. 

Empowering the workforce

If you’re a business owner, purchasing and installing sustainable technology means that you’re both educating and empowering your workforce. Showing them how this new technology can make an impact so that they can choose whether or not to buy it themselves gives them the confidence to buy these products, which are often more expensive. 

Technology can also help with confidence and sharing responsibility in the workplace. Whereas previously an employee might have had to shadow a more experienced member of staff for a long period of time, so that they could pass on their knowledge, digital systems mean that this information can be stored and shared centrally. This means that employees no longer have to remember everything, but have the ability to check and confirm the process if they’re unsure. 

Wider opportunities

Whilst it ideally wouldn’t be the primary reason for businesses to invest in sustainable technology, it can’t be denied that doing so may give you the edge you need and allow you to out-market your competitors. This study reported that 75% of millennials say that they care about sustainability when making a purchase, which is a huge market group that you’ll miss out on otherwise. 

In a world where reviews and opinions are rapidly shared online, it’s important that you’re clear and transparent about what you stand for. If you choose to include sustainability in your company values, getting rid of single-use plastic is no longer enough. Instead, make sure to choose the latest technology innovations to help transform every aspect of your business. You don’t need to do this overnight, but being clear about what you want to do and how you’re going to get there is an important first step. 

Saving money in the long run

Sustainable technology doesn’t come cheap, but paying out a large sum of money in the first place can pay off in the long run, whether it’s at home or for your business. Installing solar panels, for example, can cost around £6000-£8000 for a 4kW system, but will save you around £270 per year on your electricity bills. If you combine this with an electric car, the savings will be even greater, as you’re generating the power you need for charging.

If you’re looking for ideas on how to incorporate sustainable technology in your home or office design, then head to CADdetails blog.

Author: John Bramer

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