Why Is Aeration So Important for Ponds?

Why Is Aeration So Important for Ponds?

When people see a fountain in a lake or pond they immediately become entranced by the artificial stream of water flowing up from the surface of the water. What they don't see or consider are the additional benefits that the filtration system is providing for the body of water and the inhabitants within. 

1) Allows Fish to Inhabit the Entire Lake

In a pond the temperature of the water is inconsistent as some areas will be warmer (especially when exposed to sunlight for a long duration of time) and other areas will be colder (the areas that don't get exposure to sunlight and are stagnant. This is why an aerator is important because it works to distribute and improve the temperature of the pond which in turn benefits the fish that thrive in warmer water. 

2) Improves Water Quality

Since pond water is often stagnant and oxygen deprived, it causes lake-bottom sediments to release various gases and metals that create water quality problems. While the pond can undergo various treatments on a case by case basis, when an aerator is installed it will decrease the cost associated with pond treatments as it will help circulate the water, stabilize pH balances, reduce alkalinity and remove carbon dioxide.

3) Reduces Pond Algae

Algae thrives when the water is stagnant because it means that the phosphorus levels are high, there is a pH imbalance and the temperature of the pond is consistent in the area of growth. All of these factors that contribute to the growth of algae can be reduced when an aerator is installed as it disrupts the algae spores by sending them to the bottom of the lake instead of being exposed to sunlight. It also improves phosphorus concentration levels which will further reduce the chances of algae growth.

4) Breaks Down Unwanted Bacteria

If reducing algae isn't enough of an incentive to implement a water filtration system, then perhaps the fact that it will also break down unwanted bacteria can be a deciding factor. When an aeration system is functioning the water will improve because the oxygen provided from the aerator will circulate throughout the entire pond and even reach the bottom sediments. It will also help improve the alkalinity of the pond.

image © Max Pixel

image © Max Pixel

5) Decreases Mosquitoes in the Area

One of the main reasons mosquitoes cluster around ponds is because stagnant water proves to be an effective breeding ground. So if you want to eliminate the chances of your pond becoming overturned by mosquitoes then an aerator will help with this in addition to fish that are natural predators to the mosquitoes. 

image © Air-O-Lator

image © Air-O-Lator

6) Improves the Smell Around the Pond

When a pond doesn't have proper circulation it results in the oxygen at the bottom of the lake being used up  quickly which results in an anaerobic (functioning without oxygen) digestion process. This means that the bacteria at the bottom use enzymes to ferment and digest the muck at the bottom of the pond but while doing so they are producing waste products including carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. While the smell isn't apparent in the winter, when the season shifts to spring and the pond turns over, that is when the smell arises. It can however, be prevented by keeping the pond circulating with an aerator.

Even though aeration has multiple benefits, it doesn't however work if it is misused. In fact, it can cause more issues with improperly used which is why it's important to first consult a professional to analyze the situation and offer assistance when needed. 

Browse 'aerators' on CADdetails.com 

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