Wood Flooring Care Tips for 2022

Wood Flooring Care Tips for 2022

Wood flooring has been one of the most stylish interior design trends of the last few years. As a versatile flooring material, it's perfect for any home environment, particularly where there is heavy footfall. It's durable, elegant and lasts for many years. However, to keep your new engineered wood flooring looking as beautiful as the day it was installed, you'll need to follow these few easy care tips.

1. Don't Use Unsuitable Cleaning Equipment

Always choose the right type of cleaning equipment when you are caring for wood flooring. Soft mops, cloths and cushioned vacuum heads that won't scratch the veneers are perfectly suitable. 

What you must never use is a steam mop. Although it's useful for sanitizing floors, it can have a disastrous effect on wood flooring. The steam reaches a scalding hot temperature of approximately 250°F. 

Scientific research has proven that even lower temperatures of 180°F can penetrate the individual cells within the timber. A steam mop can easily cause the surface of your wood flooring to blister, warp and lose its color.

2. Only Use Appropriate Cleaning Products

There are many authorized cleaning agents specially designed for wood floors. They usually have a neutral pH level that's kind to the veneers and cleans without damaging the surface. Traditional remedies such as apple cider vinegar and baking soda, shouldn't be used on wood floors.

Vinegar is acidic and can damage the finish of the floor, resulting in a dull, patchy surface. Baking soda is an abrasive that can leave small scratches that gradually increase and cause dirt to become trapped.

Furniture polish should never be used as it makes the floor dangerously slippery. Finishing wax is not meant to be used regularly. It's best used only once every few years, usually when having your floor professionally re-finished.

3. Daily Cleaning is Ideal

Dust and pet hair become quite noticeable on wood floors. However, you'll keep the veneers looking attractive with a quick daily clean. Use a vacuum with a cushioned head or a broom fitted with soft bristles.

Gently sweep around furniture, particularly in dining areas where there'll be additional crumbs of food. If you have a small home office, take care to pick up any sharp objects such as paper clips or thumbtacks as they can scratch the floor as you sweep.

4. Deep Clean Wood Flooring Once a Week

Engineered wood flooring is versatile throughout your home, but in hallways and other areas of heavy traffic, it can soon become dirty. Once a week, sweep away debris as usual, then clean the floor with a soft microfiber mop.

Plain water is perfectly fine for cleaning away dirt and won't harm pets. Alternatively, use an authorized wood floor cleaner, but check the ingredients are child and pet-friendly.

Always avoid soaking the floor. Wring the mop out until it's damp, then work in the direction of the grain.

5. Act Swiftly on Spillages

Engineered wood flooring is an ideal choice when renovating your kitchen as it's relatively moisture resistant. However, when spillages occur, it's best to act fast as liquids such as water or wine can quickly sink into the timber causing it to warp or become discolored. Soak up the excess with a mop, then dry the surface with a soft absorbent cloth.

6. Check the Humidity Level Inside Your Home

Air quality is important to your wood floor and your health. Wood needs a certain level of moisture in the air to remain flexible. The National Wood Flooring Association in Missouri recommends levels between 35% and 55%.

If the air is too dry, it can cause your skin and your wood floor to feel uncomfortable and brittle. High humidity encourages mold to accumulate on the timber and leads to respiratory problems for your family. You can purchase an inexpensive hygrometer from your local store to monitor humidity.

7. Protecting Your Wood Flooring from the Sun

The sun's UV rays can eventually cause your wood flooring to change its color tone. Depending on the veneer, it might darken or become lighter. It's best to protect your floor during the hours when the sun enters the room at its strongest.

Use roller blinds or drapes to block out the sun. If you don't protect the floor, when you eventually move a rug or item of furniture, they'll reveal a patch of wood in the original color that won't match the rest of the floor.


Installing engineered wood flooring is a popular choice when considering stylish designs for your home. Your wood floor should look beautiful for decades to come providing you care for it properly.

Don't drag furniture across it, and protect it from hazards such as spillages, footwear and the sun.

Check humidity, sweep away dust daily and deep clean weekly, but always use wood-friendly cleaning tools and substances.

Author Bio: Zoe Dromgoole is the Marketing Executive at Wood Flooring Ireland and runs social media marketing. Wood Flooring Ireland sell bespoke engineered wood flooring throughout the entire country.

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