Lights on bridges have recently not only gathered the attention of locals but also from city planners due to their connection to increased economic growth.
All in Design
Lights on bridges have recently not only gathered the attention of locals but also from city planners due to their connection to increased economic growth.
Ever wonder why cities are located where they are? Read this article to learn some of the theories behind the formation of cities.
In this article we explore how cities not only affect mental health but also how designers can help reduce mental health illnesses related to urban design.
In this article we take a look at not only what recess looks like around the world but also the differences in activities that children partake in.
Take a look at 10 of the coolest playgrounds popping up all around the world.
This article explores the viability of houses being made out of completely recyclable materials.
Since they can complete tasks that are dangerous for humans, we can expect to see more robots entering the construction industry in the next few years.
Learn how to design a city by understanding what the citizens need to get out of the city and making sure that those tools are provided to meet their needs.
While being a famous architect is an achievement sought after by all, the title of starchitect is said to be undesirable and may slowly disappear.
While no one can accurately predict the future, in a series of TED talks, architects discuss what they most hope to see in the future of urban design.
Take a look at the Top 10 cities that have the most skyscrapers.
Designers across the globe have been competing to design the most efficient and quick to assemble shelters for emergencies.
While many have explored using Lego to build phone booths, cars, and even houses, soon an office building aims to be built replicating Lego.
In an attempt to reduce the approximately 10,000 car accidents that occur every year, Paris has considered various ways to make their intersections safer.
Ever since the attack on Paris in 2015, the city has been focusing on security initiatives that would help restore the safety of the city for citizens and tourists.
This article explores various techniques that are used to increase the safety of drivers at night.
Learn about the secret room that has been hiding behind Mount Rushmore for years.
Since the 60's there has been at least 64 UFO sightings. Well, sort of. Take a look at these hyper realistic sightings and let us know what you think.
Explore how architects are responding to rising sea levels and climate change.