Angled parking has become a new potential answer for accommodating cars in the city in the least obtrusive way as possible.
All in Urban Design
Angled parking has become a new potential answer for accommodating cars in the city in the least obtrusive way as possible.
In this article we examine not only how urbanization is causing floods but also actions that can help prevent them.
This Pod Skyscraper design uses 3D printing and elements of Tetris to make an apartment complex.
In this article we explore the benefits of building an energy saving building for not only the environment but for the community.
The design of cities haven't changed much since the 1950's. They are not safer, healthier, or adapting to our recent needs. It's why it's time for a change.
As skylines begin to expand and buildings continue to rise, we need to focus on the one element that is central to the success of a building - the elevator.
If you follow these easy steps, you’ll have a welcoming patio that will become your new favourite spot.
This article explores the ways that streets can be redesigned to provide a better atmosphere for pedestrians and safety for all.
Ever wonder why cities are located where they are? Read this article to learn some of the theories behind the formation of cities.
In an attempt to preserve traditional Chinese culture, the central government has set a new policy that is set to protect their historic and cultural value.
Beijing, China has announced that they will be creating Xiongan New Area which is a new city to be built and located roughly 62 miles away from Beijing.
Since they can complete tasks that are dangerous for humans, we can expect to see more robots entering the construction industry in the next few years.
Learn how to design a city by understanding what the citizens need to get out of the city and making sure that those tools are provided to meet their needs.
Take a look at the Top 10 cities that have the most skyscrapers.
Let’s take a look at three inspiring and innovative solutions from around the world for growing food in urban environments.
CADdetails highlights 5 unique urban green spaces destined to become not only lush landmarks, but shining examples of bringing innovative green spaces back to the urban jungle.