Cleaning Out Your Home Around the Holidays

Cleaning Out Your Home Around the Holidays

Besides the festive season being the time that everyone longs for, it can be one of the messiest seasons, especially if your home is not well taken care of. It’s easy to have a pileup of clutter with the many visitors and the many holiday preparations. However, you can get your home ready by doing the necessary preparations, starting with a thorough cleanup. At least moving forward, you can manage the festivities with less clutter. Specialists dealing with junk removal in East Brunswick recommend that you handle the process of cleaning out your home in the following ways:

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1. Clear Clutter to Create Space

Cleaning starts by getting rid of all the clutter and creating more space. Furthermore, a less cluttered home is more habitable it is to your family and visitors. If you have a big family living in your home, the whole process can be tiring since there are numerous items to separate. Since it’s the holiday season, you can delegate duties or work through each room together as a family to make the whole process seamless and fast. 

Kids may have issues letting go of some items that may be of sentimental value. You should help your kids understand why they need to let these spare items go, particularly if they’ve outgrown or no longer use the items in question as much. Neatly arrange everything you don’t need in boxes, and either donate it or throw it away if it is unsalvageable. If you are unsure where to donate your old items, reach out to a volunteer organization to decide where they can donate them. 

2. Stock Up Cleaning Supplies

In the craze of the holidays, it's easy to forget the essentials like cleaning supplies. You will most certainly use these more during the holidays due to the many activities at home. There will be episodes of spills or stains which need to be washed off immediately. Therefore, after you’ve decluttered your space, make a list of every cleaning essential and try to purchase them in bulk. At least with all these in place, you will have an easy time when you need to clean up without having to run to the store first.  

3. Deep Clean

There are forgotten spaces in every home like the guest room, windows, or garage and decorative pieces like your rugs, mats, and carpets that you don’t clean every day. Well, now is the time to freshen them up. As you clean up every room, remember to work on those forgotten spaces. 

It can be tough cleaning everything up alone, so to save time and to prevent you from episodes of getting fatigued, hire a house cleaning expert to help you with that. After doing a one-day deep cleaning, you won’t have much cleaning work afterward. 

4. Put Everything in Place

After a deep clean, rearrange your home if needed and set everything in its proper place. Also, since you may be too busy for the rest of the holiday, this would be the right time to decorate your home. Keep the decor to the minimum to prevent that cluttered look again. 

You can add some decor at the front door, living room, and kitchen. Additionally, set the holiday mood by using unique lighting fixtures, throwing pillows and candles, lighting up the fireplace, and putting some music on. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and all these will set the mood as needed. 

5. Work On the Lighting

Despite decluttering and deep cleaning, your home may maintain a dull look if it is poorly lit. Therefore, make an effort to change the lighting and let in the sun on sunny days. If you still don’t have sufficient lighting, consider adding reflective mirrors, especially in places that don’t receive adequate lighting. They flawlessly make the rooms look bigger and brighter. Good lighting automatically does wonders to the look of your home, so keep that in mind.

6. Have A Cleaning Schedule

Even after a deep clean, you still need to maintain a clean home. It can be hectic doing this all by yourself every other day since you may be busy preparing for a party or event in your home. That said, there are cleaning tasks like washing dishes and laundry that can’t be overlooked, and if they’re allowed to pile up, it only gets messy. 

You should create a weekly cleaning schedule to ensure these are taken care of and ensure that everything in your home is in place as it should. When dealing with kids, enforce rules such as bed-making immediately after waking up. It reinforces neatness and portrays the clean and organized look you need.

The secret to enjoying a clean home around the holiday season is to do everything early enough. Doing everything at the last minute can only be overwhelming since you’ll also be busy with other preparations. However, don’t feel pressured to put everything in place. The purpose of the holiday is to bond with your family and friends; the rest are secondary.

Author Bio: Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.

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