How to Prepare for Adding an Addition to Your Home

How to Prepare for Adding an Addition to Your Home

After living in your home for a few years, it can be easy to feel like something is missing or that it’s time to mix it up. Adding an addition to your home can be the perfect solution. Projects like spicing up the sunroom or making extra space for a new family member are prime examples. Below are some tips to help you and your family prepare for a long-awaited home addition.

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Find the perfect location

When trying to find the most perfect place for your home addition, there are a few things you should keep in mind. You will want to reflect on the initial reasoning for wanting an added space. Perhaps you need more privacy, or are looking to create a space for yourself.  Try creating the ultimate outdoor entertainment space in your own backyard. After taking this into account, think about what location will be best for this expansion. For instance, if there is more space in your backyard without a pool or other structures in the way, then that might be a better location for what you're looking for than onto the side of the house. If you’re looking for a space that’s not too large like a playroom or a home office, then the side of your house should do just fine.

Plan out your financing

Organizing your finances can be stressful at any time, but especially when arranging a big ticket item like this expansion. One of the first steps to take to ensure you don’t get too overwhelmed is to set up a budget by laying out all the expenses that will come out of this addition. You will have to account for hiring a contractor, gathering materials, dealing with construction expenses, labor and adding in a cushion in case something goes awry. There are plenty of budgeting apps and tools to help you achieve a great financial balance during this stressful time. On top of budgeting, take a look at your assets and see where you could be putting more money in your pocket. Your house is an asset that often gets overlooked. The value of your home can create opportunities to gain some extra cash from month to month. Refinancing your mortgage is a great way to get lower monthly payments along with a lower interest rate that allows you to save that cash for your home renovation project. 

Throughout the expansion process, it’s important to save money when possible. Try to make sure you’re not breaking the bank when unnecessary. Look for materials that are either on sale when deciding what your addition will be made out of or find other ways to cut back when possible. Look into flooring that is being discontinued at your home improvement stores that could have a lower price and do the same with any paint colors as well. Even if it’s a small price difference, it’s better than no discount at all. After all of the heavy lifting is done on your contractor's end, you can cut expenses by decorating and painting the addition yourself. Check out discounted furniture places; Facebook Marketplace or Goodwill are ideal places to find furniture pieces that you can flip and make your own. Not only are they exponentially cheaper than retail value, but they can also add a new aesthetic feel. 

Secure a contractor

Adding to your home is no easy task. It will require a team of professionals if you’re not one yourself. Make sure to do the necessary research before settling on the right contractor for your needs. Ask around for referrals from friends and family to see if they have anyone in mind who they’ve had a great experience with in the past. That way, you know the person you’re hiring is trustworthy and reliable when putting your ideas into physical form. But don’t stop there; cross reference different contractor reviews online and see what others have to say about their work. Once you’ve narrowed down your options to a few contractors, ask for estimates along with a specific timeline that doesn’t interfere with their current projects. Let them know if you have specific deadlines in mind that they will need to meet. Once you check all these boxes, this will ensure you are following the necessary steps to finding a good contractor that’s right for you. 

Plan out the decor

Once all the other details have been ironed out and the addition has been built, it’s time for the fun part to begin. If design isn’t your thing, check out some interior design books, TV shows like The Home Edit, and even home decor blogs. Discover what theme or layout you’re interested in when decorating your new room. Whether it's a sunroom or a home office, you can make your new addition spruce up your home in a way you haven’t been able to before. There are tons of available affordable artwork and DIY projects that can add some personality to your space. The furniture options for your space are never ending. From high end materials and refurbished pieces to eco-friendly options that will leave you feeling that you’re doing your part in taking care of the environment. Once you have decided on which furniture you want to go with, you can start adding in the little details. If you’re interested in eco-friendly options to decorate your space with, there are plenty of ways you can get creative. Allow for lots of greenery and natural light when possible. When lighting is necessary, look into energy efficient lights that go along with the theme of your space. 

Adding on to your home can be stressful, especially when you’re not sure where to begin. By following these tips, you are successfully preparing for the new addition to your home without breaking your budget. Give your family a space you have been without for far too long. 

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