Does Your Company Use BIM?
Lately due to advancements in technology, architecture has become a field that has been experiencing numerous transformations. Whether it's 3D printing changing the way houses are built, or digital design tools influencing how a building is drafted, there's no disputing that the field has not only changed but also will continue to experience changes. One of the most recent changes that has caught our attention is the adaptation of digital design tools such as BIM.
image © United States Mission Geneva via Flickr
Building Information Modelling (BIM), has changed the way the construction community designs, documents and builds a commercial building. This is because everyone - architects, clients, developers, suppliers, builders, etc. can work on the single digital model of the building. Essentially, the program has revolutionized the way that various disciplines work together to complete a project and even though it has been around since the 90's, lately BIM has been gathering its much deserved attention.
image © Groupe Canam via Flickr
Though it is commonly mistaken with CAD, it's important to recognize that BIM and CAD files are a little different. BIM is a collaborative program in which a team of architects, engineers and contractors can design and build a commercial building using the same database and computer model. The program provides a digital representation of the real facility and allows for each discipline to add their specifications to the drawing.
image © Suvadip87 via Wikimedia Commons
One of the main benefits for using BIM is that since it allows for everyone to add their specifications to the drawing, you can find construction-related problems before they happen, can control costs, and optimize the building for performance.
Interested in using BIM models? Join to gain access to BIM files, high-quality CAD drawings, 3D models, specifications, images, and related documents from reputable manufacturers across the continent for free.