Project Highlight: 70 Carlton Street

Project Highlight: 70 Carlton Street

70 Carlton Street by Fairview Architectural North America

Architect: Beyer Blinder Belle

Location: New York, NY, USA

The 70 Carlton Street project in New York features a contemporary design by Beyer Blinder Belle that is said to evoke a “contemporary interpretation of the neighbourhood’s printing house architectural heritage by utilizing masonry, metal, and glass. The exterior façade showcases a modern architectural aesthetic using Vitrabond zinc composite cladding material (ZCM).

70 Carlton Street

Photo by Fairview Architectural North America

The ZCM panels provide a striking contrast to the historical nature of the brick facades that the surrounding Hudson Square neighbourhood is known for. The development on Carlton Street consists of two buildings: a 22-story tower and a 23-story tower. These buildings front Charlton Street and Vandam Street in New York and are connected on the first floor by a common lobby area.

The Vitrabond ZCM cladding by Fairview Architectural featured on the exterior consists of the Company’s Vitrabond FR aluminum composite panel combined with a front skin of natural zinc. These materials provide architects and specifiers with new horizons to explore in terms of design and creativity. The 70 Carlton Street development features more than 5,400 SF of zinc composite panels in Graphite Grey.

The progressive design characteristics of zinc composite material cladding combine the self-healing, corrosion-resistant performance benefits of zinc finishes with the quality and durability of Vitrabond FR metal panels. In addition to the Graphite Zinc finish used on 70 Carlton Street, the natural zinc ranges from Fairview Architectural include Blue Zinc, Slate Zinc, Blue Grey Zinc and Charcoal Zinc. Complimentary samples can be requested online.

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