Project Highlight: American Syn-Turf

Project Highlight: American Syn-Turf

IPEMA Certified Playground Systems by American Syn-Turf

Ensuring Safety at the Forefront: IPEMA Certification for AST Synthetic Turf Playground Systems

At American Syn-Turf, Inc., safety is always our top priority, especially when it comes to playgrounds. That's why we are thrilled to announce that our unwavering commitment to quality and safety has been recognized by the International Playground Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA). We have successfully obtained IPEMA certifications for AST Playground systems, further validating our dedication to creating secure and reliable playground environments.

While our playground systems have already exceeded national safety standards, we believe in seeking third-party verification to ensure the utmost credibility. The IPEMA certifications signify that our systems have undergone rigorous testing and evaluation by an independent laboratory, in accordance with the ASTM F1292 Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment. This standard is based on research data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and established by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International.

The certification process was comprehensive and encompassed several critical criteria to ensure compliance with the ASTM F1292 standard. It included individual-certified system testing, a written and active quality control assurance program, clear procedural documents, a customer service discipline, and consistent quality guidelines and inspections. By meeting these stringent requirements, our playground systems are proven to enhance child safety, whether they are playing outdoors or indoors.

IPEMA serves as a trusted authority, providing third-party Product Certification services for public play equipment and play surfacing materials in the United States and Canada. The association caters to IPEMA-certified member companies, affiliated playground industry groups, and individuals interested in playground equipment regulations. By securing IPEMA certifications, we have further solidified our commitment to upholding the highest safety standards and delivering playground systems that instill confidence in parents, guardians, and communities.

With safety as our guiding principle, you can trust our IPEMA-certified playground systems to create an environment where children can play freely and confidently. Whether it's for public parks, schools, or community spaces, our synthetic turf solutions offer peace of mind and maximize the safety of children, indoors or outdoors.

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